Metronidazole 250 mg No. 100 tab. broad-spectrum

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Tablet in white to light yellow color.

The drug is produced in the form of tablets weighing 0.5 g with a volume of 0.25 g of oral speech.

Pharmacological power
of metronidazole with a wide spectrum of action on the simplest, highly active against trichomonads, giardia, balantidia, amoebas, histomonads, gram-negative and gram-positive anaerobes (Clostridium spp., Bacteroides spp., Peptococcus spp., Campylobacter spp.). After ingestion, Metronidazole is well absorbed from the herbal tract, penetrates into the organs and tissues, passes through the placenta and the blood-brain barrier, and accumulates in the liver. After 1-2 dobi after the introduction, it is introduced into the body with milk, cut and often seen with feces.

The stagnation of the
Great Horned Thinness and Vіvtsі: trichomoniasis, anaerobic infections, which are blamed after the gentle obstetric cases, gas gangrene, malaria, necrobacteria, necrotic mastitis. Calves, lambs, cows, goats: enterotoxemia, which is caused by clostridia. Pigs: balantidiasis, dysentery. Hutrovy animals (mink, fox): anaerobic infections, clostridia viklicans. Dogs, intestines: diarrhoea, Campylobacter spp., Viral Gingivitis, Giardia. Geese, jocks, turkeys: histomonosis.

Vitality and increased individual sensitivity to metronidazole.

Side effects
When the drug is taken, it is not necessary to follow the instructions for side effects and complications are not to be expected. With the rise of the individual sensitivity of the creature to the active component of the drug, allergic reactions are possible in rare cases.

For curing the disease of great and horned malnutrition, balantidiasis of pigs, infections of meat animals, the drug should be given in the middle at a dose of 10 mg (according to fluent speech) per 1 kg of the body of the animal twice a day (on Wednesday and in the evening). The course of chewing of ruminant creatures should be made 3-5 days, meat creatures - 10 - 20 days, pigs - 3 days, if necessary, the course of chewing is repeated after 7 - 10 days.

For the treatment of trichomoniasis vicorista 1% suspension of Metronidazole on a physiological basis. The drug is rotten in water, so taking the suspension of metronidazole without delay before ingestion should be thoroughly washed and washed with water, or prepuce of ailments of creatures 2-4 times with an interval of 24 years, vitrachayuchi 25-50 ml of suspension.

The drops of metronidazole are seen in the body with milk, enterotoxemia in newborn lambs can be prevented by stopping it immediately after a gentle stretch of 3-5 days.


Release form

Dose for zastosuvannya inside

Dose for medical zastosuvannya

Tablets 0.5 g (0.25 g AI)

1 tablet per 12.5 kg of animal mass, two per day

8 tablets are divided into 100 ml of physiological variety

For the treatment of dysentery in pigs, the drug should be taken at a dose of 25 mg (according to the speech) per 1 kg of animal mass, once a day; 4 days sleep.

Release form

Dose for ingesting the drug in the middle

Tablets 0.5 g (0.25 g AI)

1 tablet per 10 kg masi creatures

For the treatment of histomonosis indicative of geese, the drug is given at a dose of 10 mg (according to fluffy speech) per 1 kg of bird hair, 3 times a day, 10 days in a row, or once a day at a dose of 1.5 g (according to fluffy speech) per 1 kg feed, stretch 10 days.

Release form

The dose of the drug per 1 kg of feed

Tablets 0.5 g (0.25 g AI)

1 tablet per 10 kg masi creatures

Preservation of Vikoristannya
milk in a bowl is not allowed for 36 years after the rest of the ingestion of the drug. Milk, taken away for 36 years after oral administration of metronidazole, after boiling for 30 minutes and to succumb to creatures. Slaughter of creatures and birds for meat is allowed 5 days after application of the drug. The meat of creatures and birds, beaten to the end of the designated term, is processed on the meat-brush.

Release form Blister
10 pcs, polymeric jars 100 pcs.

Conservation Conservation in the protected environment of light and water, okremo
of food products and food, at temperatures from 5°C to 25°C. The term of appurtenance is 3 years.

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